The Boss Open 2024 in Stuttgart set new standards. Not only did it offer top-class tennis, it also actively contributed to environmental protection.

Sustainability was the focus

The Boss Open launched its initiative for a plastic-free tournament back in 2023. This year, this goal was consistently implemented: from the players' arrival to the catering for the spectators - plastic bottles were taboo at Weissenhof.

Innovative solutions for a plastic-free future

To quench the thirst of tennis fans, numerous water taps were installed on the tournament grounds. Visitors could fill their own reusable bottles at these free of charge. Those who did not have a bottle with them could purchase a reusable bottle on site.

Reusable instead of disposable

The decision not to use plastic bottles at the Boss Open 2024 was a statement against plastic pollution. Every year, millions of plastic bottles end up in the trash, where they take centuries to decompose. The use of reusable bottles and the avoidance of single-use plastic are therefore essential to protect our environment.

Together for a better future

The fight against plastic waste is a task for society as a whole. Every individual can do their bit by avoiding plastic bottles and using reusable bottles. The Boss Open 2024 has shown that it is possible to make major events sustainable. Let's work together to protect our environment and ensure a better future.

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