Event date
23.10.2024 18:00 - 23.10.2024 19:30


Climate change, water scarcity and land consumption are key environmental problems that are closely linked to our diet. In this lecture, the lecturer, Dr. Hanna Karg, will discuss the ecological impact of our food consumption and the ways in which we as consumers can reduce negative environmental impacts. In addition to the carbon footprint, the water and land footprint of various foods will be examined in particular. The life cycles of food from agricultural production to the shopping trip are analyzed, including the importance of regionality, seasonality and diet. Funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection as part of the project "Nutrition education for families and adults in Baden-Württemberg".

Dr. Hanna Karg is a research associate at the ifeu Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg gGmbH. One of her main areas of work is the life cycle assessment of food.

The event is a free livestream of the Stuttgart Adult Education Center, for which you can register here: https://vhs-stuttgart.de/programm/kurssuche/kurs/547-C-242-17035