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Lifehacks are any small ideas from your day-to-day life which can spark some behaviour change towards a better climate. These small steps can add up and go a long way before more significant changes in your home or community might be made. Your hack could be anything from sharing information on a recently released app to promoting a new package free store in your neighbourhood or providing details on a lesser-known financing line for upgrading to more modern house heaters. If you have an unconventional idea on how to save CO2 emissions, this is the place to share it!


Use quotation marks for exact phrases.
Example: "bicycle path"

Use OR to find either keyword.
Example: bicycle OR scooter

Use AND to find both keywords.
Example: bicycle AND scooter"

Use - to exclude and + to require keywords.
Example: "public transport" -rail -train

Combine methods for best results.
Example: "electric vehicle" AND charging -bus

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