The city of Stuttgart has launched the new #jetztklimachen podcast to present climate protection in a tangible and motivating way. From October 24, 2024, a new episode will be released every two weeks on popular podcast platforms. Hosted by Chris Veit and Joti Fotiadis, the podcast introduces interesting personalities who share their approaches to climate protection. In the first episode, Tanja Goldstein talks about zero waste and plant-based nutrition. The podcast is intended to inspire listeners to take action and is part of the city's #jetztklimachen campaign.

"The podcast is intended to whet the appetite. It's like an appetizer that invites listeners to continue exploring the 'climate' menu, perhaps even to achieve concrete success with their own project - and perhaps to tell others about it at some point," emphasizes Jan Kohlmeyer, Head of the Climate Protection Department of the City of Stuttgart.

You can listen to the podcast on Spotify here:

Further information and links to the podcast on Apple and YouTube can be found here:

Here is an overview of the planned guests:

  • Tanja Goldstein, owner of the zero-waste restaurant Heaven's Kitchen (24.10.2024)*
  • Carina Spieß, Education for Sustainable Development Officer at Germanwatch e. V. (07.11.2024)
  • Special episode: TEDxStuttgart with Sophia Rödiger, Jonathan Müller and Christian Stöcker (21.11.2024)
  • Jan Hegenberg, bestselling author of "Weltuntergang fällt aus" (05.12.2024)
  • Jan-Georg Plavec , managing editor for data journalism and data projects at the Stuttgarter Zeitung (19.12.2024)
  • Maya Leinenbach, food blogger on plant-based nutrition (@fitgreenmind) (02.01.2025)
  • Christoph Soukup, Initiator and Managing Director Studio for Material and Circular Economy (16.01.2025)
  • Tanja Loitz, Managing Director of co2online gGmbH (30.01.2025)
  • Robert Hoening, retired industrial engineer and initiator of the Stuttgart SolarScouts (13.02.2025)
  • Daniel Rexhausen, Senior Partner at McKinsey and Head of Sustainability for Germany, Austria, Switzerland (27.02.2025)
  • Louisa Schneider, journalist and climate activist (13.03.2025)
  • Diana Scholl, food blogger Ölsalzessig and entrepreneur (27.03.2025)